
The Curse of the Moose

The Yankees have not beaten the Red Sox since Mike Mussina made his deal with the Devil for his first 20-win season at the ripe old age of 76.


Lisa Swan said...

Could this be the new Damn Yankees? Is it Damned Yankees? Whatever Theo wants, Theo gets...


Big Dong Kong said...

Yo my mans. What iz da deal wit deez Yanks? How come we can't beat dem Sox? My boy big Tex was slammin shit left and right last night. Da Moose was da man. How we gonna keep dat train wreck Wang in da rotation?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Likes-Big-Dongs-In-Ya-Mouth

Do you speak any sort of english? or were you only taught ebonics as a youth? You fucking retard... you are an embarrassment to society... shut the fuck up until you can speak english half as well as an immigrant straight off the boat from a Vietnamesee jungle

Big Dong Kong said...

Yo Anonomass- Go stick yo gerbil up yo ass another time and grow some balls.

Big mans out.