Alright, so today starts the World Series between the Yanks and the Philthies. That little turd Rollins already said the Phills would take it in 5, but would be nice and win it in 6. We are not the Mets you dirty little piece of shit.

Remember that one dick head?
So here's a little breakdown from the MENSA-like mind of the Black Cat....
Should be a great World Series, with the Yanks coming away with #27. People say, "Phillies offense", blah blah blah. Well sorry Phans, but you haven't faced pitching this postseason like the Yanks. After we take the first two games, we go to the city of brotherly love for a couple more games to wrap this thing up. I'll be in Philly today til Saturday, unfortunately not going to the game Saturday. I'm sure some Philly fans will have their words with me while I'm down there, because I plan on wearing my Yanks cap and getting drunk.
Go Yanks!
If the Phillies win this series people are going to be citing this series as the reason why pitching doesn't win championships.
OHH My Black Cat! - have you been eating Cap Nip you dumb piece of garbage. Sorry but i cant take it anymore - post after post do you know anything about sports besides being a band wagon Yankee fan. Phills are legit in all aspects of the game - they have a superior offense and better starting pitching CC's dream dream post season is coming to a nightmare tonight - pedro will go against the yanks in game two over the hill you say. Look up his stats at yankee stadium against the yanks - need I say more. So please next time you write a post please pretend like you know what you are talking about.
Oh Snap Mike Lowery just served your ass black cat! He bent you over his knee and spanked you!
LOL.. #27... keep dreaming... glad to see the Yankees lack of fiscal restraint and their big FU to the rest of the American public by spending half a billion dollars on mercenaries is working well... i would love nothing more than a Phillies sweep.
Fuck the Yankees
Fuck New York
Fuck Yankees Fans
Go Phils!
Phills really came thru at home tonight you bunch of delusional fucks...
I cannot believe that they took it once again. After the first game I couldn't believe it but its true my Yankees Memorabilia us worth more than my house.
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