Following up on recent exploits of Carl Pavano, Joe "The Godfather" Torre has taken his own swipes at the Yankees organization. This could leave the blow-out haired, fake tanned, myspace Yankee fans over the edge. So please, when you see a white Escalade in our neighborhood, proceed with caution.
As first reported on in the NY Post and Daily News, Torre's forthcoming, tell-all book will be launching a cross-country assault on 161st and River Ave. Apparently the book, "The Yankee Years," reveals that teammates of Alex Rodriguez referred to him as "A-Fraud" behind closed doors, as well as uncovering the anger that Torre still harbors for Brian Cashman.
The book is billed as a "third-person narrative" by SI's Tom Verducci, and not a personal retelling on Torre's behalf. Although I have to say that even if these little exerpts were taken from a single, five minute interview with Torre, my view of the man has changed. Though I have had my share of disagreements with the way that Torre ran the Yankees late in his tenure, there has never been a lack of respect on my part when it came to Torre as a man. He was always the consummate professional, and did will in handling the egos withing a clubhouse full of All Stars, if not Hall of Famers. Taking back handed swipes at an organization that handed you the keys to a championship-caliber team despite a career losing record is not what I would deem professional.
As first reported on in the NY Post and Daily News, Torre's forthcoming, tell-all book will be launching a cross-country assault on 161st and River Ave. Apparently the book, "The Yankee Years," reveals that teammates of Alex Rodriguez referred to him as "A-Fraud" behind closed doors, as well as uncovering the anger that Torre still harbors for Brian Cashman.
The book is billed as a "third-person narrative" by SI's Tom Verducci, and not a personal retelling on Torre's behalf. Although I have to say that even if these little exerpts were taken from a single, five minute interview with Torre, my view of the man has changed. Though I have had my share of disagreements with the way that Torre ran the Yankees late in his tenure, there has never been a lack of respect on my part when it came to Torre as a man. He was always the consummate professional, and did will in handling the egos withing a clubhouse full of All Stars, if not Hall of Famers. Taking back handed swipes at an organization that handed you the keys to a championship-caliber team despite a career losing record is not what I would deem professional.
Ok....some clarity
Tom Verducci actually wrote the book about the Joe Torre Years....the post is a disgrace and Verducci took Torre off the hook, saying Torre did not rip anyone and was only one of dozens of sources used in the book.
Verducci attempted to take Torre off the hook. Just because there are other sources does not mean that this bitter old man did not take shots at Yankee management.
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