- Mike Cameron offers an above average glove, and above average power
- Melky Cabrera is a below average baseball player
- Cabrera's above average arm does not warrant a spot in the lineup
- Cameron is a free agent after the season - if the Yankees pick up the tab, I don't see the trade being a back-breaker
- Brett Gardner was never that good to begin with
A second chance
Say it ain't so
After what could very well be a record-breaking run, Jeter looks like he is finally hanging up his Valtrex and settling down. There is no doubt that Jeter will be a first-ballot inductee into the cocksman Hall of Fame, but there is a part of me that will miss reading the stories about Jeet plowing his way from New York to, Tampa penis first.
My bold prediction is that Jeter hands the torch to newly annointed Jets Quarterback Mark Sanchez. Handsome. Talented. Rich. Ethnic. He has everything it takes to continue Jeter's legacy of poon greatness.
Sorry Andy
On July 24th, I referred to Andy Pettitte as "dead weight" at the back of the end of the Yankees rotation. At that time, Pettitte was 8-5; not bad, but with an ERA sitting at 4.62, his record was obviously not indicative of his performance. After one more bad start for the road on the 25th, the season turned around for Pettitte.
Since that date, all "the Schnoz" has done is go 3-0 and lower his ERA by half a run. In the month of August he has been dominant aside from one start in Boston where he admitted that he was distracted by the 20 runs the Yankees piled on.
Andy's Numbers since July 25th: 3-0, 1.64 ERA, 1.06 WHIP
This turnaround can obviously be attiributed to the motivation Andy derived from us calling him out. When Jimmy Dugan talks, goddamnit people listen. Oh, and Andy, since you are undoubtedly reading this, plug The Balls next time Suzy Know-It-All sticks a mic in your face.
So, in short, thank you to Andy Pettitte to making me look like I don't know what the fuck I am talking about.

1. | to carry out; accomplish: to execute a plan or order. |
2. | to perform or do: the Yankees lost last night because Nick Swisher could not execute a fucking bunt down a run with two on and none out in the ninth. |
In the biz, we call this a teaser....
In the meantime, follow JD on twitter, and join our Facebook group.
Who knew?

I'm back in the New York groove
Looks like you will have to waste time elsewhere

The Fowl Balls PSA
I don't usually get all preachy, but this is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. When doing anything that is physical in nature, please be sure to wear a protective cup.
The blogosphere (gayest word ever, by the way) is abuzz with articles poking fun at the severe injury that Adrian Beltre suffered the other night. When attepting to field a ground ball at third base, the ball took a funny hop on Beltre that struck him in a very uncomfortable place (like in the back of a Volkswagen?). The result is what has been referred to medically as a torn testicle. Let's say that again. Torn. Testicle.
I will not be lampooning Adrian Beltre, though. I mean for God's sake the guy's nut just ripped in half, let's give him a break. What I would like to do is use this forum to stress the importance of wearing an athletic supporter while playing baseball. Or softball. Or flag football. Or grocery shopping. Or watching People's Court. The fact is that, as men, we must be protective of our greatest asset at all times(although I have been told it is my ass, or sometimes my boyish good looks, but I digress) .
Now you have Adrian Beltre, millionaire baseball player, unable to father children in every Major League city. Wait - what? I take it all back. Nobody wear a cup. In fact, somebody would have gotten Shawn Kemp and Travis Henry to kick eachother in the nuts a few dozen times fifteen years ago maybe they wouldn't have been spreading their Superman-like sperm in ever major US city.
So in conclusion: to each his own. If you plan on Johnny Appleseeding it all over the free world, maybe it's best that you leave your cup at home.
He's ready for his closeup
It has been seen as a foregone conclusion that the Yankees and Godzilla will part ways at season's end, and the theory that he could go back to Japan seems a little bit of a reach. Though it has been speculated upon, I can't see him ending up anywhere other than Seattle. Last night's audition did nothing to discourage my notion.
Looking at the Mariners' roster last night, two things jump out: first, management's affinity for Asian players (no shit, considering they are owned by Nintendo). Second, the team is hard pressed to put asses in seats; so much so that they bring in washed up players like Ken Griffey, Jr. and Mike Sweeney to take hacks in the twilight of their career. The fact is that Hideki Matsui meets BOTH of these needs for the Mariners franchise. He's half washed up and he's Asian. In Seattle that's like working at a Starbucks and listening to shitty grunge music. Now all he has to do is grow a soul patch, and he will be a God of Chris Cornell proportions in the Northwest.
Despite the pleadings of Admiral Ackbar, Yankees lose to Blue Jays

The Yankees now sit at 2-8 against the hated Red Sox. The more important number, however, is the 4.5 game lead that the team holds in the AL East.
On a side note, I haven't seen that many Asians in a game since Tom Selleck was anchoring a solid Dragons lineup in Chiunichi.
Have vagina, till travel
Pavano has already topped the win total for his CAREER as a Yankee THIS SEASON. Yet he still gets work. Excuse my while I go slam my head in a car door.
How does it feel?
This. Is. Big.
8 (or so) Questions: author Marty Appel

In a VERY special 8 (or so) Questions, I was afforded the opportunity to speak with long-time Yankees PR Director and author Marty Appel. You may recognize Marty's name from his work as an expert on Yankeeography, or his appearance yesterday on the MLB Network. As I referenced yesterday, this weekend marked the 30 year anniversary of the death of Thurman Munson. A close friend of Munson (and co-author of his autobiography), Appel's newest book, "Munson: The Life and Death of a Yankee Captain" paints a rarely seen portrait of a mythical figure in Yankees lore. Marty was kind enough to give The Fowl Balls a few minutes of his time (and to send us an advanced copy - I am kind of a big deal). Enjoy the interview and go buy the book - it really is amazing.
Jimmy Dugan - As someone who was around the team during Munson's tenure, what did you learn during the research for this book that you hadn't known before?
Marty Appel - I learned the details of his difficult childhood, some of which was suspected. Finding his brother and sister who were willing to talk and fill in the pieces was important. It also helped to explain some of his darker, grouchier side......and his discomfort and being in the middle of the controversial Bronx Zoo years. He just didn't want to be there.
JD - Was this a difficult process for the Munson family? Did you tread lightly, hoping not to trudge up negative memories of Thurman?
MA - For the family, the pain of Thurman's passing remains hard, even 30 years later. With all the detail in the book, it was understandable that they chose to take a more passive role with the book. We didn't tread lightly; he's a historic figure and people want details. But some concession was certainly made to the feelings of the family.
JD - As a long-time PR Director for the Yankees, explain what your responsibilites were pretaining to the players. Who was difficult to deal with?
MA - Thurman! You sort of want your captain to be good with the press, and he just wasn't. Otherwise, the players were pretty good. This was the era before Internet, sports talk radio, ESPN and cable. We didn't know that was coming, but what we had was demanding enough. Lots of media, each looking for its own exclusives. My job was to manage the process. I was also involved with publications, promotions, broadcasting, community relations, marketing, team historian, etc. Each is a separate department today.
JD - What type of qualities that Thurman Munson possessed as a human have been evident in subsequent Yankee Captains like Guidry, Randolph, and Jeter?
MA - The way they relate to teammates and earn their respect. They all played the game honest and true, hard and tough. No compromising, no lying. You knew where you stood with them if you were a teammate.
JD - Thurman Munson seemed, in reading the book, to be the type of player that has become a rarity in Major League Baseball: a selfless, hard-working, hard-had-and-lunchpail type of guy that my father has always harped upon. Who would you say resembles Thurman most closely in today's game?
MA - Posada. Jorge has matured to a leader behind the plate, and you can see his take charge qualities at work. Munson is a role model for him - he has a photo in his locker. I really like the way his game has come along, and so do the fans.
JD - As someone who lived through the heart of the Steinbrenner reign, how has the tone of the team changed since King George has taken a step away from day-to-day operations?
MA - I think everyone tries to carry on as they think Mr. Steinbrenner would like it done. Sometimes there are variations on what that means, and I think that can create uncertainty. It's a better running machine with the top guy in action. But they are still a model front office, something he built.
JD - As someone that had grown close to Thurman, was it hard for you to work through this project? I had read that you listened to tapes of Thurman from the time you co-wrote his autobiography, was it difficult to re-live those memories?
MA - Yes, it was difficult to hear the tapes because i remembered being right there with him in his study at his Norwood NJ home, sitting side by side, chatting like old friends talking baseball. But I wanted his voice in my head as I began the writing process.
JD - Give the people an update - what are you working on now?
MA - These days are filled with media requests for MUNSON, and we're also in discussion on film rights, so no attention yet on the "next" project.