A small piece of business to tend to. Our friends over at Hugging Harold Reynolds have put together the genius idea of getting a bunch of bloggers together for a weekend (because God knows we woulnd't have anything else to do) and call it Blogs with Balls.
What is it? Well, if you love sports blogs, and live in and around New York and want to learn more about it, it’s the place to be. BwB will include speakers/panelists like SI’s Jeff Pearlman & Jimmy Traina, along with Deadspin’s AJ Daulerio and many other blogging luminaries. If you care, I’m planning on attending, if that’s an actual draw.
According to their site, “Blogs With Balls is a series of regional social sports blogger and new media gatherings featuring speakers and panelists specifically focused on sports fans, writers, sites, teams, athletes and companies; and their ability to maximize new media outlets for promotion and advancement.”
You can get discounted pre registration tickets to the event - while they last - at blogswithballs.eventbrite.com. Jimmy Dugan will be holding an autograph session during the event - bring your Sharpie's!
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